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  • Writer's pictureJG-H

Still Prefer Bi-Folding Doors Over Sliders

Bifolds over Sliders?

More than anything else though, bi-folding doors have allowed me to connect our home and garden together in the summer months to create a nice indoor/outdoor flow. You don’t really get the same effect with French doors or sliding patios, and there is something pretty cool about the way in which the doors fold across the space. During the pandemic, we realised how lucky we were to have a decent amount of garden to utilise as we were stuck at home. It kicked us into getting the garden landscaped properly and the doors replaced to make the most of what we had.

Bi-folding doors are more of a lifestyle product than just another window or door product. They’re used much more often than some windows in a home. They connect spaces and transform the look of a home when opened. They create that bridge between the indoors and outdoors that no other product can, and with it invite a certain lifestyle with it.

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